Entidade Pública Empresarial (E.P.E.)
Legal structure

OPART - Artistic Production Organisation, P.E.E.

a public enterprise entity created by Decree-Law no. 160/2007 of 27 April.


Share capital

4.935.890,50 €


Unique registration and legal person number




90010 - Performing Arts 


Head Office

Rua Serpa Pinto, N.º 9

1200-442 Lisbon

Social Bodies and Organisational Structure

OPART is governed by its corporate bodies, which include the Board of Directors and the Sole Auditor, each with distinct responsibilities as defined by law and in its Statutes.

It is subject to the supervision and oversight of the government officials responsible for the areas of Culture and Finance, who may exercise their powers jointly or individually, as stipulated in its Statutes and in accordance with the legal framework of the state-owned enterprises. 

OPART, E.P.E. is regulated by Decree-Law No. 95/2023, its Statutes, internal regulations, and, subsidiarily, by the legal framework of the state-owned enterprise sector. 

Board of Directors

OPART's Board of Directors is composed of the President and two members, appointed by a resolution of the Council of Ministers, upon the recommendation of the government officials responsible for the areas of Culture and Finance. The term of office for the members of the Board of Directors is three years and may be renewed for successive terms.

The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring the fulfilment of OPART's objectives as defined in its Statutes, as well as exercising management powers, including:

  • To prepare and submit for approval by the relevant government officials the annual and multiannual activity plans and the corresponding budgets, as well as other management instruments required by law, and ensuring their implementation;

  • To submit the financial statements for approval by the appropriate government officials as required by law;

  • To decide on loans or other financial operations, subject to the approval of the government officials, when their value exceeds 25% of the statutory capital;

  • To establish the guidelines for the organisation and functioning of OPART;

  • To define the human resources policy, including the remuneration of staff and management positions;

  • To appoint personnel to management and executive positions;

  • To approve the disciplinary rules and procedures for staff, and the working conditions and discipline;

  • To approve internal regulations and submit them for ratification by the government official responsible for culture, ensuring compliance with applicable legal and regulatory provisions;

  • To monitor and systematically evaluate the activities of OPART;

  • To decide on the recruitment and management of personnel, consulting the artistic directors whenever the artistic production area is concerned;

  • To authorise the use of all legally permissible employment arrangements;

  • To exercise the disciplinary powers provided for by law;

  • To supervise the implementation of the budget and take measures to correct any irregularities;

  • To accept donations, inheritances, or legacies;

  • To take necessary measures to preserve the assets related to its activities and authorise expenditures as outlined in the Investment Plan.

Sole Auditor

The Sole Auditor is the body responsible for overseeing the legality, regularity, and sound financial and asset management of OPART. The Sole Auditor is appointed by a joint decision of the government officials responsible for Finance and Culture, and must be chosen from among chartered accountants or accounting firms. The term of office is three years, renewable once.

The Sole Auditor's responsibilities include:

  • Verifying the regularity of accounting books, records, and supporting documents;

  • Providing an opinion on the management report and certifying the financial statements;

  • Regularly monitoring management through balance sheets and reports demonstrating budget execution;

  • Keeping the Board informed of the results of reviews and audits carried out;

  • Proposing external audits whenever necessary or advisable;

  • Providing input on any matters related to economic and financial management referred by the Board;

  • Issuing opinions on the acquisition, lease, disposal, and encumbrance of real estate;

  • Issuing opinions on investments and the contracting of loans;

  • Preparing reports on their supervisory activities, including a comprehensive annual report;

  • Providing input on matters referred to it by the Board, the Portuguese Court of Auditors, and bodies involved in the strategic oversight of the State's internal financial control system.

Regulamento Interno
Plano de Atividades e Orçamento
Relatórios de Gestão e Contas
Boas Práticas de Governação
Ética e conduta, igualdade e não discriminação e combate ao assédio
Igualdade de género e não discriminação
Responsável pelo cumprimento normativo previsto no MENAC
Política de Privacidade

Política de Privacidade e de Proteção de Dados Pessoais explicita os termos em que o OPART, na qualidade de entidade gestora do Teatro Nacional de São Carlos, da Companhia Nacional de Bailado e dos Estúdios Victor Córdon, procede ao tratamento de dados pessoais dos usuários, incluindo nesta designação, em particular, todos os espetadores, visitantes e participantes nas atividades desenvolvidas.

O OPART está ciente das implicações e da sua responsabilidade em cumprir com as diretrizes inscritas no Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados (RGPD), pelo Regulamento (EU) 2016/679 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, que estabelece as regras relativas ao tratamento, por uma pessoa, uma empresa ou uma organização, de dados pessoais relativos a pessoas na UE. Além do reforço da proteção jurídica dos direitos dos titulares dos dados, o RGPD define novas regras e procedimentos do ponto de vista tecnológico.

O OPART assume assim o compromisso de garantir a proteção de todos os dados pessoais que lhe sejam disponibilizados, tendo neste sentido adotado diversas medidas de segurança, de caráter técnico e organizativo. O OPART assume igualmente o compromisso de melhorar continuamente o conjunto de procedimentos e técnicas implementadas para a proteção de dados pessoais, pelo que se sugere a consulta regular da presente Política de Privacidade e Cookies.

Para um conhecimento aprofundado da Política de Privacidade e Cookies do OPART, pode consultar o documento completo aqui.

Prevenção de riscos de corrupção e de infrações conexas
Prevenção e combate ao branqueamento de capitais e financiamento do terrorismo
Princípios de Boa Governação
Procedimentos e Controlo Interno
Proteção de parentalidade
Remunerações Pagas a Homens e Mulheres
Utilização de correio eletrónico
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